We know that everyone out there is not ski racing at elite levels and probably never will be. We’re not here to help your athlete push limits and challenge the status quo. We’re here to help you enable your ski racer to enjoy the benefits of ski racing…and have fun.
Arctica manufactures high quality, performance apparel for alpine ski racers worldwide. Our brand is built on the desire to help foster growth and support families interested in ski racing. To that end, we offer ski racers the best value in ski racing apparel every day of the year. Arctica’s mission is to make ski racing more accessible by offering quality products at an exceptional value. We back all this up with excellent customer service.
The tenets we live by are quality, service and value.
Quality ski racing apparel
Arctica uses the highest quality manufacturing standards and is constantly working to develop performance fabrics for the specific needs of our customers. We specialize in the items ski racers and ski racing teams need most; pants, jackets and race suits. And do those items well. We talk to ski racers about design. We test our products on the race course. We are closely involved in the manufacturing process to insure high manufacturing standards. We responsibly manage production costs to keep quality high and end cost low.
Excellent Service
Our priority is you, the customer. We want to get our products to you when you want them. And not charge you an arm and a leg to do so. We offer quick turn around time and quick shipping. We offer free domestic ground shipping 24 hours a day, 7 days week, 365 days a year – not just when it’s convenient to do so. No matter how much you spend – shipping is always free.
Additionally, we don’t close up shop in the ‘off season’. We are here year ’round for ski racers who are going to summer ski camps and racing in the Southern Hemisphere. We are devoted to supporting the racer on a year round basis on key items as much as possible.
Exceptional Value
We don’t play games. We shoot straight from the hip with everyday value for everyone. We don’t inflate our prices to be able to offer occasional discounts. We don’t do special promotions or offers to entice people to buy when we want them to. We keep prices low every day so that you can be assured when you need something, the price you pay is the same as everyone else regardless of the day you order. Our value is day in day out.
We also do not inflate our prices to support “sponsorship programs” that benefit only a select few elite athletes. We prefer to support all athletes equally and keep the sport healthy by keeping our prices as low as possible. This provides value to all families all they time.
We understand ski racers and ski racing families
Arctica is a group of passionate and dedicated skiers, former ski racers and ski industry professionals. We’ve grown up ski racing and raised ski racers of our own. We’ve experienced the personal development, maturity, confidence, accomplishment and physical well-being that ski racing promotes. We understand the bond between ski racers and ski racing families. We cherish the camaraderie that exists between families in the ski racing world. We get it. We know why you love ski racing and want to instill that love in your family. We also know the costs involved with ski racing and being a ski racing family. We feel cost should not be the barrier to entry for the sport. That’s why we are innovating to create the best ski racing apparel brand in the industry. And to be your ski racing apparel brand for value everyday.
Through Quality, service and value – we’re building the best ski racing apparel brand in the industry.
That first picture is me! Ha! How’d you guys find my photo?
Hi Bridger! It’s a great photo. It was shared publicly on social media, so we grabbed it. Thanks for wearing Arctica and totally rocking it! If you’ve got more photos of you in your Arctica we’d love to share them too, just email them to us at [email protected]. Thanks!