This one’s for you, ski racing moms
You take us to ski races both near and afar
Two kids, four pairs of skis and us in the car
You stand on the hill through wind, snow and rain
You cheer and you shout, but never complain
You make sure we have all the gear that we need
And when we forget something, you find it with speed
You pick up after us when we leave our side zip pants on the hill
And encourage us to push on when we think we’ve had our fill
You drag piles of our jackets to the bottom of the course
Not a word of discontent, disdain or remorse
Ski racing moms are a dedicated bunch
There without fail, you don’t miss a punch
You truly are our number one fan
Thanks for being there to do what you can
You’re our sherpa, taxi driver, gear manager, photographer…and so much more!
Happy Mother’s Day to all the ski racing moms out there!
Looking for a little more inspiration? Some affirmation of why you keep up this crazy cycle? Read some of our favorite musings about being a ski racing mom:
My Life as a Ski Racing Mom by Amy Silbernagel McCaffree
Day in the Life of a Ski Racing Mom by Helen Olsson
Support Crew with Benefits – The Perks of Being a Ski Racing Parent by Mad Dog Mom (Helen Olsson)
To Race or Not To Race? That’s a Good Question! and To Race or Not to Race? Part Two by Brave Ski Mom
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